24x7 medical care
once you leave the hospital

(and beyond)

We are here with exceptional medical care round the clock to help you recover after medical discharge

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How it works

Book your first appointment

Let our experienced healthcare professionals assess your condition and create a personalized recovery plan for you.

Start here

Personalized Healthcare

Enjoy scheduled follow-up visits tailored to your medical requirements, all without leaving your home.

Online scheduling


Always Available, Always Caring

Get instant access to expert medical advice through phone, text, or telehealth, available 24/7 to address your on going needs and concerns.

We accept most insurances and currently available in NJ and NY

The Dimer Health Difference

Expert Clinical Staff Specializing in Comprehensive Post-Acute Care

Advanced AI Technology Powering Enhanced Recovery Outcomes

Access to our team of experienced medical professionals via video, or phone.


Remote patient monitoring devices to track vital signs such as blood pressure and glucose levels.

Your Own Recovery Assistant Accessible via Text and App

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”I was getting so frustrated, the surgeon told me to follow up within 2 weeks but when I called the office the first availability was more than a month away. Thank you Dimer for helping me.”

G.o, NJ

“I was about to go to back to the ER when Dimer called and I was able to get the support I needed”

A.m, NJ

Clinical Team

Exceptional , compassionate and caring ready to tackle any issues that you might have post hospital discharge

More than 100 years cumulative in emergency medicine.

Dhaval Patel photo

Dhaval Patel


David Feldman photo

Dr. David Feldman

Chief Medical

Zhou Zhang photo

Dr. Zhou Zhang

Medical Director